New Piano Tuning Customer

This link was sent to me by a fellow piano technician from Michigan.  It’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen on YouTube.  It portrays a virtual cornucopia of ridiculous requests that we, as service providers, encounter from an incredibly uneducated populace that has absolutely no idea what we do or how it’s done.  I realize that it’s the shortest post I’ve made here but I want everyone to see this.

New Piano Tuning Customer” video on YouTube  (be sure to watch part 2)

Hope you enjoy it.  I’m looking forward to reading your reactions. Please share this with your friends and click the [Like] button below.


New Piano Tuning Customer — 6 Comments

  1. Yes, I made sure I signed in first Jon. Even I, who knows nothing about music, can see the humor on this video. I have a feeling you nearly fell out of your chair laughing. Enjoyed the watch.

  2. The video is hilarious, Jon…but it’s no wonder you have grey hair if you get a lot of this type of customer. However, you do have an excellent sense of humor, which would be an important aspect of your success. Loved it!.

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